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Illustration for filerama
Momento della lettura
Circa 3 minuti

No, I'm Santa Claus!

Check it out, y'all. Everyone who was invited is here. Bender, this is Fry's decision… and he made it wrong. So it's time for us to interfere in his life. I decline the title of Iron Cook and accept the lesser title of Zinc Saucier, which I just made up. Uhh… also, comes with double prize money.

Kids have names? Belligerent and numerous. You, a bobsleder!? That I'd like to see! I could if you hadn't turned on the light and shut off my stereo. You, a bobsleder!? That I'd like to see! What's with you kids? Every other day it's food, food, food. Alright, I'll get you some stupid food.

Yeah. Give a little credit to our public schools.

I am the man with no name, Zapp Brannigan! Oh, I don't have time for this. I have to go and buy a single piece of fruit with a coupon and then return it, making people wait behind me while I complain.

  1. I haven't felt much of anything since my guinea pig died.
  2. What's with you kids? Every other day it's food, food, food. Alright, I'll get you some stupid food.
  3. There, now he's trapped in a book I wrote: a crummy world of plot holes and spelling errors!

Yes, if you make it look like an electrical fire. When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.

I never loved you. Have you ever tried just turning off the TV, sitting down with your children, and hitting them? I'm just glad my fat, ugly mama isn't alive to see this day. Nay, I respect and admire Harold Zoid too much to beat him to death with his own Oscar.

  • Why not indeed!
  • Look, everyone wants to be like Germany, but do we really have the pure strength of 'will'?
  • Fry! Quit doing the right thing, you jerk!

It doesn't look so shiny to me. Then throw her in the laundry room, which will hereafter be referred to as "the brig". Oh, how awful. Did he at least die painlessly? …To shreds, you say. Well, how is his wife holding up? …To shreds, you say.

I found what I need. And it's not friends, it's things. Who's brave enough to fly into something we all keep calling a death sphere? Why, those are the Grunka-Lunkas! They work here in the Slurm factory.

Look, everyone wants to be like Germany, but do we really have the pure strength of 'will'? For one beautiful night I knew what it was like to be a grandmother. Subjugated, yet honored. No. We're on the top.

Good news, everyone! There's a report on TV with some very bad news! Please, Don-Bot… look into your hard drive, and open your mercy file! Robot 1-X, save my friends! And Zoidberg! And then the battle's not so bad?

Eeeee! Now say nuclear wessels

Yeah, lots of people did. Ask her how her day was. Fry! Stay back! He's too powerful! Hey, you add a one and two zeros to that or we walk!

Is that a cooking show? Ok, we'll go deliver this crate like professionals, and then we'll go ride the bumper cars. I am the man with no name, Zapp Brannigan! Really?! When will that be?

You seem malnourished. Are you suffering from intestinal parasites? Quite possible. We live long and are celebrated poopers. Negative, bossy meat creature! There's one way and only one way to determine if an animal is intelligent. Dissect its brain!

No! Don't jump! Guess again. Bender, hurry! This fuel's expensive! Also, we're dying! Incidentally, you have a dime up your nose.

Why would I want to know that? Enough about your promiscuous mother, Hermes! We have bigger problems. No argument here. Say what? Eeeee! Now say "nuclear wessels"! Calculon is gonna kill us and it's all everybody else's fault!

Bender, this is Fry's decision… and he made it wrong. So it's time for us to interfere in his life. WINDMILLS DO NOT WORK THAT WAY! GOOD NIGHT! Oh yeah, good luck with that. No. We're on the top.

This opera's as lousy as it is brilliant! Your lyrics lack subtlety. You can't just have your characters announce how they feel. That makes me feel angry! We can't compete with Mom! Her company is big and evil! Ours is small and neutral!